The FOSSA Framework

Welcome to the FOSSA framework page.

This page exists to help anyone create courses and learning materials.

The things you will make with FOSSA will be different from the things you learned and taught from in the past. FOSSA is a way of making sure that as many people as possible can access, use and share what you built.

When you build learning with FOSSA, you will try to aim for some (or all) of these five goals:

  • FREE - you will make all your materials available under a Creative Commons or relevant license.

  • OPEN - you will share a full version of your course which only uses open file formats.

  • SMALL - you will share a full version of your course which is no larger than 1.44 MB.

  • SIMPLE - whatever language you work in, 80% of your course will be easy for a B1 CEFR user of that language to understand.

  • ACCESSIBLE - you will share a full version of your course which meets, at the minimum, WCAG A recommendations.